Hearts of iron iv poland
Hearts of iron iv poland

hearts of iron iv poland

The UK declared war on me, but France didn't. Don't waste national focus time declaring war on Poland, just justify it normally.

hearts of iron iv poland

You should also get volunteers from Venezuela and Italy. They provided me with 10 extra divisions on top of my 60-80 as an expeditionary force which isn't to be scoffed at.

hearts of iron iv poland

Try to get Hungry into the Axis prior to hitting Poland I don't know what triggers the Hungry/Romania land dispute, but that will give you enough diplomatic juice to pull them in. Don't waste time or national focus subduing the Czechs when you can befriend them and remove them as a threat. Getting the Civilian Factory national focuses early on will help. Don't bother with defenses or infrastructure. Focus on ramping up war production with military factories. It'll come in handy when you start encircling French tank groups. Devoting a single factory at the start to churn out traktor heavy tanks'll into stores will allow you convert a tank division later on when you go up against France.


2-3 tank divisions should mop up those conflicts and easily become full veterans if you are methodical and don't rush straight for victory points. Having more divisions deployed opens up more national focuses and allows you to send more volunteers to Abyssinia and the Spanish Civil War. Don't be afraid to deploy under-trained/equipped infantry and exercise them up to Regular. Tool your economy around a core (8+ divisions) of light tanks and lots of infantry, expanding as available. I attacked in 1937 and got this in the middle of 1938 so I think my approach is fairly solid. The are too probably many variables to provide any sort of sure thing solutions, but there are better approaches to take.

Hearts of iron iv poland